Our Mission

The Wheelock Educational Policy Center (WEPC) conducts and disseminates rigorous, policy-relevant research in partnership with local, state, and federal policymakers and stakeholders to improve educational opportunities and holistic outcomes for traditionally marginalized students.

Our Research Partnerships

WEPC researchers are partnering with education agencies around the country to conduct rigorous research that informs and advances effective policies and practices. 

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My two cents: This is largely driven by the convergence of two factors.

1) The shock that our public schools were closed for so long during COVID.

2) The decreasing commitment to offering challenging curriculum to learners ready for it.


Exciting financial aid expansions have been happening in Massachusetts, but it's important to get the details right.

My letter from yesterday's @BostonGlobe:


IEPs contain untapped info about students' #SpecialEducation experiences. @christocleve is using digital IEPs from IN to uncover statewide patterns in IEP evaluations, goals, services, & placements. First paper (w/ @jmapsych) of a forthcoming series here: http://bit.ly/wepc-iep-data

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